Laguna di feci di maiali
Warsaw, Carolina del Nord, USA
I maiali sono allevati in capannoni con il pavimento inclinato che permette a tutti i residui di finire in tubature di scarico e di accumularsi in grandi lagune. Ogni tipo di rifiuti, dai feti al materiale fecale, si raccoglie in questi bacini. I farmaci e gli ormoni somministrati alle scrofe colorano le loro feci di rosa. Quando tutto il materiale è in una laguna, il vento tende ad accumulare i solidi galleggianti in una zona
Hog Fecal Waste Lagoon
Warsaw, North Carolina, USA
Hogs at giant industrial pig farms are kept in sheds with floor grates that allow all waste to fall into drains that flow to large lagoons. All manner of offal from feces to fetuses collects in these impoundments. Drugs and hormones fed to the sows make their feces pink, and the animals are sprayed with insecticides, all of which mixes in. In the USA, this slurry is allowed to collect in open lagoons, as seen in this image.
A pig produces 3 times as much fecal waste as a human, thus about 1.5 cubic meters per animal in its lifetime, which becomes a tremendous load of excrement. and is ultimately sprayed on farm fields for disposal, under the guise of “fertilization”.
This overload causes nitrate contamination in groundwater and eutrophication in surface water bodies.